We seek to explore in various ways to have fun with our friends, through tabletop role-playing games and other related activities, while finding ways to give back to the community in which we live.



A breif History of the Club
It was a chill morning that a group of friends decided they wanted to do a bit more than simply get together to play games, share experiences of flavorful treats, outings, and enjoy mixed media - such as films & television, music and live performances. We wanted to better our lives by offering what time and services we were able to devote to those lives (and lifeforms) in need. Some of us had memberships in STARFLEET previously, and a couple of us also had experience in what it took to run a ship, so with discussion, we decided to get the rest of our friends signed aboard, and launched the U.S.S. Phoebe NCC-80115 Luna Class vessel on the 16th of December, 2016. Our first endeavor to help others was to gather coats and blankets for our local Mission, allowing this facility to assist the homeless (and beloved pets) to stave off the cold winter winds.
It was a great success! And with presenting the Mission with a van stuffed full of blankets, coats, socks and other warm clothing items, we all agreed that continuing to do good while having fun was a great way to make a real difference in our community. After several more months of gathering and donating goods – from food to hygiene products, to more clothes – we had our routine set and were soaring among the stars with other wonderful chapters in the organization we had chosen to work with. It wasn't long before we were able to hold our commissioning ceremony as a full-fledged chapter ourselves and sharing other fabulous ventures of charity and community support with fellow chapters throughout the world, several of whom we still work with to this day.


What is Starfleet International?:
(Here is the information taken directly from Starfleet International's "About" page)

Starfleet Is our Members

For over 40 years, STARFLEET has provided Star Trek fans a way to meet each other, make friends, have fun, give back to their communities, and show that the dream of Gene Roddenberry can live long and prosper. On the local level, members can gather with other fans for a variety of enjoyable activities. On the international level, STARFLEET offers our members a wealth of resources that you wont find in any other Star Trek fan clubs. In addition to a great set of membership materials and our regularly published newsletter, STARFLEET offers members the chance to get involved with STARFLEET Academy, the STARFLEET Marine Corps, the Department of Technical Services, and much, much more. We even have a group of academic monetary scholarships that are awarded to deserving STARFLEET members each year.

Starfleet is our Chapters
STARFLEET is divided into hundreds of local Chapters, each named as a different starship or space station. Chapters are where the members of STARFLEET get together locally to make friends, meet, and have a fun time. Our many Chapters are spread out across the United States and also in foreign countries all over the world.

STARFLEET Chapters range in size from 10 members to several dozen. Some get together and meet in person while others are correspondence Chapters where members who live far away from each other can still exchange messages via e-mail, telephone, and even good, old-fashioned postal mail.

Starfleet is our Regions

STARFLEET Chapters are grouped into Regions, each Region covering a different geographical area. These regions will often hold gatherings where crews of many Chapters get together for conferences, parties, charity events, and a whole range of other activities.

As in Star Trek, Starfleet has a chain of Command

Each Chapter is led by a Commanding Officer and a First Officer. Chapters report to Regional Coordinators, who form the Board of Directors for STARFLEET and work with an elected a 7-member Executive Committee that serves a term of 3 years. So there is a solid chain of command in place to deal with any problem or concern a STARFLEET member might have at any level of the organization.

One of the most fun aspects of being in STARFLEET is that every member can be assigned a rank if the member chooses and get promoted for participation in their local Chapter, or at the Regional or Fleet level, as well. New members in Chapters can start with introductory ranks like Cadet and Ensign and get promoted up through higher ranks like Lieutenant and Commander. When members get involved more actively at the Chapter, Regional, or Fleet level, they can get promoted even higher to Captain, or to flag ranks like Commodore or Admiral.

Of course, you can be a member of STARFLEET without joining a Chapter. You can also be a member of a Chapter without joining STARFLEET. And since some Chapters have membership dues that are separate from the STARFLEET annual subscription, some fans do decide to join either one organization or the other and that’s just fine.

Would you like to know more? www.sfi.org


Greetings from the Commanding Officer of the USS Phoebe,

Welcome aboard the NCC-80115 Luna Class exploration starship Phoebe. It is with great pleasure that I offer this manual, presented to you during your briefing. Not only are these words a code of conduct and procedure that our crew follows, but a culmination of the secrets that we have already come to understand and unlock, in our exploration of the universe - as well as our very own psyches. May it serve you well as you begin your journey on a road that few heed to the call of, but many hear singing in the base of their souls. Share your own annotations, if you will, and see them recorded here alongside our own as we make our way through the cosmos, offering comradery, compassion, joy, mercy and love for our fellow beings in this expansive universe

Commanding Officer, Brian M. Pickett,
USS Phoebe - NCC 80115

For those of you would would like to read this document in a PDF view and or Save the file click this link: USS PHOEBE MEMBER HANDBOOK PDF DOWNLOAD

Chapter Constitution

Introduction -

If you have not guessed by now, what you are reading can be regarded as clever storytelling, someone's fantastic Role-play or the delusions of a person who is trying to carry others beyond the brink of sanity with him.

No, do not worry, it is not the latter.

This is a manual, a constitution of sorts, detailing the workings of one of but many chapters that are umbrella Beneath a single organization. We are the USS Phoebe NCC-80115 of Region Five, a chapter influenced by, and a part of STARFLEET: the Star Trek International Fan Association, Inc.

Within, you will find what and who we are, what we do for one another and the world around us, and how (as well as why) We operate in the ways we do. [Of course, for a quick answer, it is for fun - and to feel good about ourselves!

May you be both enlightened, and inspired, as you read on.

Chapter Name and Identification

We are the USS Phoebe NCC 80115, a Luna-Class Exploration Vessel, and a member of Region 5 of STARFLEET: the Star Trek International Fan Association. (www.sfi.org)
We are located in North Puget Sound, based in Everett, And other surrounding areas. Members may hail from anywhere in the galaxy, though our core crew reside in the immediate area, as the majority of our activities, events and projects are done face-to-face in the localized environment.
Resources for this group include a private Facebook group, our own web-based forum, a website that can be found at http://www.StarshipPhoebe.com and other resources as we find them.
Our ship launched on 2017-01.06; our Support Ship was the USS Hecate, commanded by Commodore David Ferber, headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA. (http://nemstar.webs.com/Hecate_Battle_Group.htm) and we are proud to have flown with them during our shakedown cruise. Since that time, we commissioned as a full-fledged chapter of the organization in July of that same year.

Membership Guidelines and Requirements

Membership of the USS Phoebe is not limited to members of SFI, however to maintain our operational status with the parent organization we must have - at all times - no less than 10 active SFI members, with only 2 members of any family group counting towards this total. Therefore, we do encourage our members to become (and remain) members of STARFLEET - The Star Trek International Fan Association Inc.
The USS Phoebe does have a uniform that is worn to recruitment drives and other functions where our club will be included or presented for display, such as charitable drives where there are Photo Opportunities or live/pre-recorded filming for local news or other televised media outlets. The following rules and regulations apply for the wearing of, and acquiring acceptable wear.
To note, our choice of uniforms are in keeping up with the newer Star Trek series, set in the further futuristic setting of the late 24th/early 25th century. (red: command, teal: sciences, yellow: support - security, operations and engineering, and Prussian blue for our MACO team; while our Marine unit wears green if they are part of the combat engineering trained soldiers, the yellow-support or teal-medical colors, respectively.) with the enlisted personnel wearing a jacket in the proper colors of their duty assignment over a grey undershirt, and pant-legs tucked into boots.
To note, we wear the uniform designs seen in the First Contact and Nemesis films, a long-sleeved shirt in the color coordination of departments (red: command, teal: sciences, yellow: support - security, operations and engineering) with either a vest or jacket worn over that.
Rank pips are to be worn on the right breast of the shirt, as shown, signifying their rank and placement as officers or enlisted of the USS Phoebe crew, while the Delta Shield insignia – specially designed to distinguish our crew members from other ships (chapters) at larger functions - is to be worn on the left breast of the outer tunic or vest.

Those crew members who do not present themselves in uniform may receive a mark against their achievement for advancement in Rank, thus the potential of passing them up for promotions.

Chapter Purpose, Organization and Affiliation

We of the USS Phoebe crew work for the betterment of all humankind, trying to help shape a future based on the ideals of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek series, where people have set aside their differences to work toward common cause. Through That end, as our fellow chapters of STARFLEET do, we perform missions of mercy by working as not-for-profit, assisting Various regular charities along with others that our crew members suggest donations to. This also means we rely on Donations for our own supplies, as well.

As previously stated, our goal is to further the dream of Gene Roddenberry's Future, a place of peace and exploration. To this end, our chapter will embark in activities of community and social awareness, entertainment, and discovery. While We share in supporting charities, something we all consider a very serious endeavor, and we have also joined together for having fun in various ways.

Activities we share in common include, but are not limited to:
  • Role Playing
  • Social outings
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Day Hikes and Beachcombing
  • Movie Days or binge-watching Viewing Parties
  • And the occasional Dinner Party

As previously stated, we are a chapter within the bounds of region five of STARFLEET: the Star Trek International Fan Association Inc. (SFI), thus we are subject to the rules and benefits presented in this constitution, where it does not interfere with the rules and guidelines found in the SFI Membership Handbook. .

Definition of Chapter Membership and Fees

While we do not require our chapter members to also be members of STARFLEET, we do encourage them to join SFI as STARFLEET requires a minimum of ten active crew members of the USS Phoebe to operate through SFI's Association.
Each chapter member of the age of 18 or over is entitled to one vote per person when that vote is regarded for chapter business. However, only members of STARFLEET over the age of 18 are entitled to vote on issues pertaining to SFI matters, as in accordance with the procedures listed in the STARFLEET Membership Handbook.
Currently the USS Phoebe does not require any dues for its membership, though all fees members soak through the cost of Materials and supplies may be passed on to fellow
crew members at the discretion of the individual. STARFLEET does require Its members pay a yearly fee, however, which varies by single or group rates, and can be located on their website. (www.sfi.org)
In the future, should the USS Phoebe chapter decide to initiate a membership fee for materials and supplies. This would Be initiated only by a majority vote for such, by crew members, with a discussion and potential vote by the Senior Staff as To the amount. Any established fees are subject to change annually, by majority vote of the heads of department, due to Increase of material and supply costs.
Any person has the right to join the crew of the USS Phoebe, though the heads of staff (more importantly, the senior Officers) have the duty to see that their crew remains happy and free of harassment. Should it be deemed necessary, the Executive Staff will take a vote of whether or not to ban a person(s) from further functions held by the USS Phoebe crew, Thereby, removing them from the roster of the chapter and offering to help them find a place within another chapter of their choosing. Should such person(s) persist in harassment of any member of the chapter, they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Department Heads, Executive Staff and Term of Office

The Commanding Officer (or CO) may continue to hold position as head of the chapter for as long as (s) he is capable or desires to carry out the duties assigned to this office, or the crew finds the individual incompatible with the needs of the chapter's members. A vote of competency will be taken once each year among the senior staff to assess the competency of the CO in his/her duties and compatibility with the crew members in general.
Should it be deemed necessary to remove the CO before the time of this vote, the senior staff will elect one of its own Members as CO and a second member as Executive Officer (or XO), with justifiable record of why the CO and XO are being Voted out of office prematurely. An incoming CO must be at least 23 years of age, and passed both the Officers Training School and Officers Command Curriculum exams, in accordance with SFI stipulations. The current CO will turn over all documentation, permissions and holdings of the chapter or face criminal prosecution to the full extent of the law.
The Executive Officer (or XO) may be appointed at the Captain's discretion; or, if the CO chooses, others within staff positions may submit for candidacy to allow election to be held by the crew members concerning the position of XO. This position must be filled, and cannot remain vacant or be abolished by the CO or within the chapter board, to remain in accordance with the procedures and processes of STARFLEET: the International Fan Association, Inc.
Those wishing to serve in this capacity must be of at least 21 years of age, and passed their Officers Training School and Officers Command Curriculum exams, in accordance with SFI stipulations. The CO may, if finding the XO incapable of performing the duties and functions of his/her position, remove and replace the the XO with someone believed to be capable of handling the tasks of the XO that are outlined within the body of work that is this constitution. Should the XO feel that (s) he is being treated unfairly or unjustly, (s)he has the right to ask the senior staff to investigate the matter in question and vote on the competency of the CO. If the CO is found innocent by the senior board, the XO will step down, surrendering all documentation, permissions and holdings of the chapter or face criminal prosecution to the full extent of the law.

Executive Staff Duties:

Commanding Officer - Organize departments, filling in where departments are lacking, file paperwork and navigate crew through procedures of STARFLEET, oversees chapter budget, heads up general chapter operations and special events, and updates "Captain's Log" on the chapter forum.

Executive Officer - New (Recruitment) and Existing (transfer) Membership procedures, updates calendar events and activities, online contact, meeting minutes, networking and recruiting, keep database records of contact information for crew members, monitors and updates forums as needed, and assists in Commanding Officer's duties as needed.

The Senior Staff are established positions within the general canon of STARFLEET and should be strongly cautioned against the removal from the Chapter Board, or changing of duties, of any department head position. Only by act of a vote of the Executive Staff, will a senior staff's duties or position be changed or removed, and such course of action will be followed up by announcement to the remaining board members, with a provisional statement of why the change or removal has taken place. All Senior Staff (or more commonly referred to as Department Heads) will be members in good standing with SFI, at least 18 years of age, and passed their Officers Training School exam.

Duties of Department Heads:

  • Operations - Technological advice, web and forum maintenance, other duties as applicable, programming and/or online assistance, monitoring of forums and online activities - as needed.

  • Engineering - Arts and crafts, technology advice, prop building and testing of equipment - as needed.

  • Medical - Inform crew of CPR certification classes (particularly free ones), first aid and home remedy assistance to all interested crew members, keeping records of dietary restrictions or health issues of crew members.

  • Flight Operations - Offers navigation to events and activities via car and bus, arrange carpools and providing pertinent information ($, phone #s, landmark locations near destination), presenting maps and directions in online communications.

  • Science Officer - Leads discussions about new or existing scientific discoveries and observations, implements day hikes and/or trips to cultural festivals, science fairs and social events, hosting trivia and/or educational activities and games.

  • Security - Monitoring of forums, hosts tactical games and/or activities, gather and retain emergency contact information for crew members, scan and analyze locations of events to assist less-able crew and civilians in emergencies.

When a crew member is found to be incapable of handling the duties assigned to a Department Head, they will be given a Period of one month to carry out their duties. At the end of such a time, if there is no change, there will be no recourse But to remove the person from the department head position in question. This course of action will be by vote of the Executive Staff, requiring a unanimous decision.
Senior officers found unable to carry out their duties will be asked to resign; should the Department Head feel (s)he is Being treated unfairly or unjustly, (s)he has the right to ask the Senior Staff to investigate the matter in question and Vote on the judgment of the Executive Staff. If the Executive Staff is found justified in the removal of the Department Head by the remaining Senior Board, the Department Head will step down, surrendering all documentation, permissions and holdings of the chapter or face criminal prosecution to the full extent of the law.

Specialized Units Aboard the Phoebe

M.A.C.O. -515th Special Operations Unit - Phoebe's Phantoms

"Tacet Venatores" (Good Hunting)

This Military Assault Command Operations team falls under the command of the Chief of Operations of the U.S.S. Phoebe, should the Team Leader attempt to restructure the unit without prior authorization, the Command Staff will rescind all rights and privileges of allowing the team aboard the U.S.S. Phoebe, and divest the TL of their permissions and position of authority aboard the ship.
The 515th Phantoms: "Tacet Venatores" (Good Hunting) This is a Gamma MACO team trained for a variety of surface missions, from surveillance in hostile terrain, to reconnaissance and reconnoitering with other teams in the field. Gamma Operatives are even sent into the thick of the fight to tag high-profile hostages and prepare the field for extraction, when necessary.
Aboard the Phoebe, this small unit of 18 operatives is often divided into 3 teams of 6, one specialized in reconnaissance and infiltration of enemy perimeters, one primarily used for reconnoitering, and the third handling decoy, demolition and distraction duty. Their billet is found on deck 5, and they can primarily be found training or in recreation in the facilities on deck 6.

STARFLEET Marine Corps - The 577th Marine Strike Group - Phoebe's Firebirds

This unit falls under the direct supervision of the U.S.S. Phoebe's Executive Officer, should the MSG Officer In Charge affect changes to the unit without prior approval, the Command Staff reserves the right to divest all permissions and authority granted to the OIC, and rescind approval of allowing this unit to serve aboard the U.S.S. Phoebe.
The 577th Marine Strike Group - Phoebe's Firebirds "Ex Cinere ut Resurgat" (Rise From the Ashes)
The 577th Marine Strike Group - Phoebe's Firebirds "Surge et Cinere" (Rise From the Ashes) This combined arms marine unit serving aboard the U.S.S. Phoebe as a Search & Rescue team utilizes marines with military operations specializations from the Combat Engineering, Medical and Support branches of the STARFLEET Marine Corps. They offer aerial support and evacuation of ground personnel and civilians from natural and man-made disaster. The MSG consists of 12 medical technicians, 12 nurses with one holding position as the head nurse, 6 doctors with 1 flight surgeon, 12 support technicians - each with secondary training as pilot and 2 specialized Class 14 shuttle pilots, 12 fire fighters, 1 Combat Engineer acting as an assistant lead who specializes in natural disaster defense, along with the Officer In Charge of the MSG and the Deputy Officer In Charge, for a total of 60 SAR team members.
The Firebirds have 2 (Phoenix Class Medical Shuttles) special craft designed and maintained by their own support personnel, taking up space on Deck 12, in the Shuttlebay Hangar and Shuttlebay Storage. These marines have their billet one deck above, on level 11, along with their recreation center that doubles as a non-commissioned officers lounge.

Rank, Promotion and Awards

The SFI's Membership handbook states:

"Upon payment of your initial membership dues to STARFLEET, and joining a chapter, you will be accorded a starting rank by You are Commanding Officer. For those chapters that use Enlisted Ranks, this is usually the grade of E-1. For those chapters That do not use Enlisted Ranks, this is usually the grade of O-1. Again, initial ranks are at the discretion of the Chapter and will vary.

Your chapter Commanding Officer has the authority to promote up to the grade of O-5 (Commander) and is responsible for creating and administering the Chapter's Promotion Policy for all grades through O-5. Please contact your chapter Commanding Officer regarding your Chapter's Promotion Policy guidelines."

In essence, this means that as Commanding Officer rank can be determined in whatever method will work as reward conditions for the crew. A combination of "time in service" and submission of nomination to an Executive Review Board (ERB).

Notes on rank nominations and promotions:

Our policy is to offer Non SFI Attendees (of any official chapter function they participate with the USS Phoebe) the rank of Cadet (for children of ages 17 and under) or Crewman, and are (if they choose) subject to be eligible for promotion up to the Non-commissioned officer rank title of Chief Petty Officer.

Non-commissioned Enlisted officers (or non-coms) will be given a chance to be promoted through the standard process of time in service and nomination by fellow crew members and/or officers. The Executive Review Board (ERB), made up of the senior executive staff and the officer of the head of department under which the crew member is listed. The ERB will be made responsible for approving or denying promotions after time in service has been achieved. Members are responsible for filing nominations through proper procedure, by filing a notice of nomination with the ERB on the chapter forums. Members with disabilities will be offered alternative methods of submitting nominations, should the need arise.

Commissioned officers will be given a chance to be promoted through a period in service, after their base rank Assessment offered when their OTS exam* grade is presented; and by means of nomination from crew members and fellow officers. The ERB will be made responsible for approving or denying promotions at the time of nomination. Members are responsible for filing nominations through proper procedure, by filing a nomination with the ERB. Disabled members will be offered alternative methods of submitting nominations, those in need of assistance because of disability will be granted such, as applicable, by request.

[*For Promotion to Ensign, you need to complete the Officers Training School exam, there is no time in service requirement. Once your OTS test results are filed with a passing score, you are promoted to rank of Ensign. When passing with the classification-grade of "Distinction" the ERB will consider the potential of higher advancement, to that of Lt. J.G.]

Each nomination may be presented for any of the following:
Away Team Activities
  • Meetings (with other SFI chapters, USS Phoebe related scheduled/unscheduled)
  • Activities (with other SFI Members, chapter activities scheduled/unscheduled)

Community Service
  • Charity Drives
  • Food
  • Books
  • Toys
  • Clothes/Blankets
  • Monies
  • Etc.

  • Esprit de' Corps
  • STARFLEET Uniform Creation
  • Recruitment for SFI/USS Phoebe

  • SFA Courses (Free or Paid)
  • Books Read with a Written Review
  • Primary (K-12)/Secondary (college) educational courses (real world, not SFA) passed with high marks ("B" average).

Administrative duties
  • Monthly Status Report (MSR) contribution
  • Monthly Newsletter Article contributions
  • Participation on Forum activities and/or discussions

Description of nomination-reward potential activities:

  • Meetings (Please see the "Meetings" section, below.)
  • Activities (Please see the "Meetings" section, below.)

Being a member of STARFLEET means among other things, that you aspire to the ideals set forth in Star Trek. Among the Values displayed in the series was a love of exploration based on an educated investigation of the universe around us. For that reason, this chapter places a high value on education.

  • • Each course (free or paid) that a member takes through the SFA (STARFLEET Academy) will be subject to review for Nomination, if it is passed**.
  • • Books continue the learning process, therefore those who offer a review of a book they've read while serving with the USS Phoebe (that is readily printable in the chapter newsletter) will be awarded rank points for each submission made.
  • • To stress the importance of real-world education, our chapter also awards points for those currently attending courses In primary or secondary schools (Kindergarten through College Senior Year). Each class that is passed with high marks Received will be reviewed for nomination.

[**The only exceptions to this rule are completion of Officers Training School (OTS,) Officers Command College (OCC,) and Flag Officer's School (FOS,) because they are already required (at certain levels) for promotions.]

Passive Volunteering
  • • Much in line with acts of Community Service, to volunteer time, or the collection of goods to various scientific, welfare, or Educational endeavors reflects well on STARFLEET and the USS Phoebe. Such acts can earn the respect of fellow crew members, Encouraging them to become involved in the same or similar endeavors. In this way, one might nominate their fellow crew member For pointing them in a new direction of striving to make our world a better place.
  • • Donations are usable goods that you purchase and/or collect to offer to charitable agencies that ask for specific goods. Agencies like the Red Cross, Teddy Bear Patrol, and Toys for Tots, Local Humane Society, or outreach programs through city or church agencies all apply. Books can be donated to libraries or public schools, during certain times and/or particular branches. It is best to contact them before bringing in a box or bag full, however. It is best to contact them before bringing in a box or bag full, however.

Nominations are only a part of the promotion process, however. Time in service is another portion of what the Executive Review Board (ERB) must take into consideration when nomination for rank increase is made.

Enlisted Promotion Matrix:

  • Crewmen 3rd Class - Under-age enthusiasts joining our chapter for events and outings.
  • Crewman 2nd Class - O to 4 months of joining our chapter for activities and events.
  • Crewman 1st Class - 8 months of joining our chapter for activities and events.
  • Petty Officer 3rd Class - 12 months’ time in service to Chapter.
  • Petty Officer 2nd Class - 18 months’ time in service to Chapter.
  • Petty Officer 1st Class - 24 months’ time in service to Chapter.
  • Chief Petty Officer - 28 months’ time in service to Chapter.
  • Senior Chief Petty Officer - 32 months’ time in service to Chapter.
  • Master Chief Petty Officer - 36 months service to Chapter.
Non-Commissioned Officer Promotion Matrix:

  • Warrant Officer - A paying member of SFI who is a member of the USS Phoebe, who has not taken (or does not wish to take) the OTS exam is granted this rank.
  • Warrant Officer 2nd Class - 12 months’ time in service to Chapter.
  • Warrant Officer 3rd Class - 18 months’ time in service to Chapter.
  • Warrant Officer 4th Class - 24 months’ time in service to Chapter.
Junior Officers

  • Ensign - Passing OTS, no time-in-service requirement.
  • Lieutenant Junior Grade - Passing OTS (* advancement to this rank without need of time in service, if OTS passed with "Distinction" grade), 9 months’ time in service.
  • Lieutenant - Passing OCC, 18 months’ time in service requirement.
Senior Officers

  • Lieutenant Commander - Passing OCC with Distinction, 24 months’ time in service requirement.
  • Commander - Passing OCC, 36 months’ time in service requirement.

Rank Insignia Reference Chart

Flag Officers -
A Chapter CO cannot authorize promotions above Commander; instead, nominations are presented to the Executive Review Board of SFI.

Other awards and incentives are made available to all crew members who are members of STARFLEET through SFI, and can be located in the Membership Handbook. It is highly encouraged that every member read the SFI Membership Handbook, available in pdf or hard-copy format for every crew member in good standing (paid membership) with SFI.


Any time three or more crew members of the USS Phoebe meet with one another, in a chat/virtual based format or in person, it is considered a form of being party to a meeting. Each time you spend with members of the crew because you had the day off, while be considered an "unscheduled activity", is still doing something that works with fellow crew mates. Sticking to the regularly scheduled event or activity is considered a "regularly scheduled meeting" and means that you are taking the time to spend with fellow crew members, getting to know them on other levels than you might otherwise come to understand and work with them; both may be considered meetings.

Executive and heads of staff hold what are referred to as Regularly Scheduled Meetings. They encourage other crew members to attend these meetings for the purpose of conducting Chapter or STARFLEET business; these meetings are discussed in advance and listed on the calendar when agreement is reached to ensure no two meetings scheduled conflict with one another. Attendance of regularly scheduled meetings are strongly encouraged, unless otherwise stated as private or privileged meetings. Impromptu meetings are discussed at short notice on the group forum(s), and are accepted forms of meeting, but are less likely to warrant a senior officer or head of department's presence to help organize the event.

Types of meetings

  1. "Department Head Meeting" or "Meeting" - The monthly required meeting for all department heads to strictly discuss Chapter business such as policy, plans for events, and such. These meetings will be conducted in as business-like a matter As we can manage.

  2. "Crew Assembly" or "Assembly" - The intermittent gatherings of crew members for social events, such as game days, movie days, etc. - generally held at a crew members home.

  3. "Away Missions" or "Missions" - The intermittent gatherings of crew for outside events, such as bowling, geocaching, mini-golf, hikes or picnics. Generally held outside of anyone's home.


  • Costuming/Gaming/At Home Movies - The intermittent gatherings of crew for outside events, such as bowling, geocaching, mini-golf, hikes or picnics. Generally held outside of anyone's home.

Away Missions:

  • Theater/Movies, Community or Sporting Events - - Away Team Missions are always a form of planned meeting. An Executive Officer or Head of Department schedule them in advance, though they might be suggested by any crew member. This is done so that the exec/head can confirm that the event does not conflict with other events, and that procedures for inclusion of all details are retrieved and offered to the crew members who need to know such things as fees, dress, code of conduct, directions by bus and/or car, as well as other observances and considerations.

  • Community Service Events - Any time a member contributes to the community by volunteering for a community/regional or State activity, or performing a public service, they are working toward the goals of STARFLEET and the USS Phoebe. A good example of Community Service is spending an evening answering the phones at a Public Television fundraising event, working as a volunteer at the regional or national voting polls and booths, or participating in a food drive for a local church or shelter..
  • Conventions - Attendance of any convention where you are able to promote awareness for STARFLEET, Region 5 SFI, or the USS Phoebe Chapter is considered a form of meeting.

Official Meetings:

  • Head of Department Meetings - These meetings are important in that they allow the command staff to come together and discuss official chapter business.

  • Departmental Meetings - Any given head of department and his Alternatively, her team discuss any new business or material that is pertinent to their duties and functions, or plan activities and/or events that their department oversees.

  • Annual Chapter Meetings - These are meetings that are of a set date once a year, where crew members can attend with the Senior staff to voice questions, concerns or ideas (though we would hope such things would not be held until that time, but Spoken of when a problem or idea first comes to mind), and are intended to bring all of the crew together for fun, as much as business. One aspect of business offered up by the senior staff, at these meetings, are the promotions and awards for those crew members who have been given such honors.

Article 9: Election Procedure

Elections are to be held every two years starting one year after full deployment. Non-SFI members are not allowed to vote on anything regarding SFI directly, however allowances to vote in ship matters will be determined by the Executive Staff on a case-by-case basis. Members will be made aware of elections and the qualified candidates who have an interest in running for office, via the Chapter forums.

Nomination of candidacy is strictly on a voluntary basis; but candidates must have passed both OTS and OCC, be at least 18 years of age*, and served aboard the USS Phoebe for no less than 1 years’ time.

(*in accordance with the procedures and rules of STARFLEET: the Star Trek International Fan Association Inc. no Commanding First Officer of a chapter may be under the age of 18.) Should a member of the USS Phoebe find fault or disagreement with a nomination or election of an Executive officer, they must submit their reasoning for such, in writing. This may be done so anonymously, but must be delivered to the full department head staff via e-mail, or by U.S. Post to the official Chapter mailing address on file with SFI.

Article 10: Code of Conduct
There are membership responsibilities found within the SFI Membership Handbook that are equally important to follow. Nowhere else are the responsibilities of membership in STARFLEET better outlined than in the ten points of the STARFLEET Officers Code of Conduct. And so, they are also presented to the members of the USS Phoebe here, to be followed at all times, when one is acting in the interests of or taking part in chapter business or fellowship.BR>
  1. I will always behave in a manner that brings credit to the Fleet, my ship, and myself.
  2. I will always praise in public and critique in private.
  3. I will show courtesy to my subordinates, fellow officers, and superior officers at all times.
  4. I will never assume, but always verify.
  5. I will be resolute in the performance of my duty and the execution of Fleet policy and regulation.
  6. I will always diffuse confrontations, not cause them.
  7. I will listen to both sides of a dispute and act upon fact, not innuendo.
  8. I will strive for impartiality and fairness in judgment and disqualify myself from decisions where my judgment may be compromised.
  9. I will be the first to praise and the last to criticize.
  10. I will always strive to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Code of Disclosure: Another thing important to the crew of the USS Phoebe is to take precautions with personal information Of members. Thus, we require each member to make the decision on how much of his or her personal information can be made available To the public.

A member database allowing each crew member to fill out a form stating what information is available to the Executive Staff, Command Crew, general ship crew and the Executive Officer will make the public available. Any crew member found releasing restricted information would be considered in breach of the code of conduct of the USS Phoebe, and disciplined according to the extent of damage done. .

Article 11: Redress of Grievances

Aboard the USS Phoebe, we strive to find a balance of fairness for all members. If there is a situation that cannot be solved between individual crew members, it is the policy of our chapter to follow the chain of command with any issues in question. What this means is that if you and your fellow crew member cannot find an amicable solution to your problem, you have the right and responsibility to take it to the head(s) of your department, who will help try to find a fair and reasonable solution for both parties. If it is a department head who you feel has wronged you, it is suggested you file a complaint of grievance.

All complaints or grievances should be submitted in writing (via the official Postal address of the chapter) to the Command Staff. The department head will then either address the situation themselves (if it is within their department only) or go to the department head of the crew member involved in the complaint – again in writing. The department head(s) once resolving the situation, file a report in writing to the XO for records. If the department head do not resolve the issue, then the grievance and what has been done to try to rectify, it will be brought to the Executive Staff, where discussion will ensue for a decision of appropriate measures. Should the issue be against a department head, the Executive Staff will investigate the matter, and determine what action (if any) is to be taken. They will inform both parties of their final decision regarding the outcome, in writing.

Article 12: Discipline

Offending crew members are to receive a written warning with probation. If they violate the probation (or if the grievance falls under the guidelines of SFI for immediate suspension or expulsion of the member), they will be brought before the Executive Staff to explain themselves, where determination of what actions will occur.

By no means are these chapter by-laws or procedures to countermand the edicts of STARFLEET: the Star Trek International Fan Association Inc., State, or Federal Laws. (For further details, see the SFI website - www.sfi.org - and Membership Handbook.)